Wednesday, 29 April 2015

UKIP Weston Super Mare

Over last week I had the privilege of meeting some of the weston super mare UKIP candidates for the general and local elections for 2015. I spent 3 days meeting and getting to know the team and seeing local politics in action. It was nice to see that its not like it is portrayed on the television. Very little shouting and arguing and seeing people actually care about the local area, and wanting to make improvements to it. It was also a privilege to meet some of the local people of Weston and hear them talk about the town in a positive way, and wanting to work together to make positive changes whilst working together. The added bonus of eating cakes and sandwiches also made it a few days worth while. As well as getting some great images.

We were also privileged to see a march of all the local scouts groups showing great pride in what they do.

I would also like to point out that I do not have any ties with any political party and that it was also an insight to be able to meet and hear all of the other main local MP candidates speak and show passion for what they believe in.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Film Noir and Fashion

Continuing on with the film noir inspired shoots from last year, more recently I have transferred this over into a fashion editorial shoot with a friend of my partner. And also beginning to work in colour again and transfer over the skills i have been learning to create images that still fit into a specific genre but have their own style.
This will also help to build up her portfolio for a career as an extra in film and television.

Weston Super Mare Film Noir

Back in the winter I began to work on a series of images inspired by film noir and black and white photography. Watching films and movies from the 1950s helped to inspire and influence these images. Even looking at Cindy Sherman helped to move this project forward and inspired me to produce a self portrait in a similar way to who she worked on her film stills series.

Welcome To My New Blog

Welcome to my new blog. As a photography degree student in Weston Super Mare I will be conducting a wide variety of projects looking into different areas of photography.  I have already began to use lighting and adding light into my images, and have been conducting projects around the local area in Weston and back in my home of Bristol.